interface StarterPackData

Data used to construct a StarterPack class.


name: string

The starter pack's name.

uri: string

The starter pack's AT URI.

cid: string

The starter pack's CID.

description?: string

The starter pack's description.

descriptionFacets?: AppBskyRichtextFacet.Main[]

Any facets associated with the starter pack's description.

creator: Profile

The starter pack's creator.

userList?: List

The user list associated with the starter pack.

userListUri: string

The starter pack's user list's AT URI.

feeds?: FeedGenerator[]

Feeds associated with the starter pack.

feedUris?: string[]

The starter pack's feeds' AT URIs.

joinedWeekCount?: number

The number of users who joined using the starter pack in the past week.

joinedAllTimeCount?: number

The number of users who joined using the starter pack in all time.

indexedAt: Date

When the starter pack was indexed by the AppView.

labels?: ComAtprotoLabelDefs.Label[]

Any labels on the starter pack record.