interface PostPayload

Data that can be used to create a post.


text: RichText | string

The post text. Can be a string or a RichText instance containing facets.

facets?: AppBskyRichtextFacet.Main[]

A facet represents a range within the post's text that has special meaning (e.g. mentions, links, tags). Prefer to use the RichText class to create posts with facets.

replyRef?: ReplyRef

A reference to the post's parent and root posts.

images?: [ImagePayload?, ImagePayload?, ImagePayload?, ImagePayload?]

1-4 images to attach to the post.

quoted?: StrongRef

A link to a post, list, or feed generator to be embedded within the post.

external?: ExternalEmbedPayload | string

An external embed to attach to the post. Can either be a link to resolve the embed preview from, or an object for more fine-grained control.

langs?: string[]

A list of two-letter language codes that the post is written in.

labels?: PostSelfLabels[]

The labels to attach to the post, if there are any.

tags?: string[]

Additional non-inline tags to attach to the post.

threadgate?: { allowFollowing?: boolean; allowLists?: string[] | List[]; allowMentioned?: boolean; }

An optional threadgate to be applied to the post.


allowFollowing?: boolean

Whether users followed by the bot are allowed to reply.

allowLists?: string[] | List[]

Lists or AT URIs pointing to lists whose members are allowed to reply.

allowMentioned?: boolean

Whether users mentioned in the post are allowed to reply.

createdAt?: Date

The time the post was created.

Default: new Date()